The Ujorm is an open source Java small library which provides non-traditional objects based on the key-value architecture to open up new exciting opportunities for writing efficient code. This library offers a unique ORM module designed for rapid Java development with great performance and a small footprint. The key features are type safe database queries, relation mapping by Java code, no entity states and a memory overloading protection cache. Try it!



60.png Ujorm ORM a module for easy-to-use object-relation mappings 12.png Performance great performance including a high speed XML serialization
54.png Easy to use short learning, high object reusability, open source 44.png Documentation detailed documentation including samples of code.



Why a new ORM mapping?

Simplified Class Model of The Ujorm The Ujorm (original name was UJO Framework) is designed primarily for the rapid Java development based on a relation database.
  • java compiler can discover a syntax error of Ujorm database query similar like 4GL database languages
  • easy to configure the ORM model by java source code, optionally by annotations and a XML file
  • great performance, some types of SELECT query are very fast in comparison to its competitors
  • lazy loading or the one request data loading of relations are supported optionaly as a fetch strategy
  • database tables, columns and indexes can be optionally updated according to Java metamodel in the run-time
  • no confusing proxy or binary modified business objects
  • very lightweight framework with no library dependencies in the run-time


Some other features

  • batch SQL statements for more rows like INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE are supported
  • features LIMIT and OFFSET are available from the API
  • nested transactions are supported using the partially implemented JTA
  • resources for ORM mapping can be a database table, view or native SQL SELECT
  • subset of table columns on SELECT can be specified for the SQL statement
  • JDBC query parameters are passed by a 'question mark' notation to the PreparedStatement for a high security
  • stored database procedures and functions are supported
  • all persistent objects are based on the interface OrmUjo, namely on the implementation OrmTable
  • internal object cache is based on the WeakHashMap class so that large transactions does not cause any OutOfMemoryException
  • database indexes are created by the metamodel, added support for unique, non-unique indexes including the composed one
  • transactions can be managed by the Spring transaction manager
Some parts of the API was inspired by Canyenne and Hibernate frameworks. I would like to thank the authors for great work.


Sample of usage:

See how to create a database and to how to INSERT an Order with two Items into related database tables:
  1. Order order = new Order();  
  2. order.setDate(new Date());  
  3. order.setNote("My order");  
  5. Item item = new Item();  
  6. item.setOrder(order);  
  7. item.setNote("Yellow table");  
  9. Session session = ormHandler.createSession();  
  10. Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();  
  13. transaction.commit();  
  14. session.close();  
The next example show how to select data from database using conditions implemented by the Criterion class. Note how two Criterions can be joined to a binary tree:
  1. Criterion<Item> crn1, crn2, criterion;  
  2. crn1 = Item.ID.whereGe(1L);  
  3. crn2 = Item.ORDER.add(NOTE).whereEq("My order");  
  4. criterion = crn1.and(crn2);  
  6. Session session = ormHandler.createSession();  
  7. for (Item item : session.createQuery(criterion)) {  
  8.     Date created = item.getOrder().getDate();  
  9.     System.out.println( item + " : " + created );  
  10. }  
  11. session.close();  
using the similar generated SQL command:
 JOIN order ON = item.id_order
 WHERE >= 1
 AND order.note = 'My order' ;
where both parameters are passed by a 'question mark' notation for a better security. And how to get meta-data for a 'description' property of the Order?
  1. MetaColumn col = ormHandler.findColumnModel(Order.NOTE);  
  2. String msg  
  3.     = "DB name: " + col.getFullName()  + '\n'  
  4.     + "Comment: " + col.getComment()   + '\n'  
  5.     + "Length : " + col.getMaxLength() + '\n'  
  6.     + "NotNull: " + col.isMandatory()  + '\n'  
  7.     + "Primary: " + col.isPrimaryKey() + '\n'  
  8.     + "Dialect: " + col.getDialectName();  
  9. System.out.println(msg);  
Prints the text report on the console output:
 DB name: db1.ord_order.NOTE
 Comment: Description of the Order
 Length : 128
 NotNull: true
 Primary: false
 Dialect: H2Dialect


Reference projects

Projects based on the Ujorm ORM framework:
  • DemoHotels screenshot The Demo-Hotels is an open-source simple web application created to learn the Ujorm framework. A graphical interface is rendered using a Apache Wicket framework. The application provides booking for selected hotels to registered customers. There is available a live demo for testing.
  • Inspectime screenshot The Inspectime is a server side Time tracking application based on the Ext GWT and Ujorm framework. The key features are: Live monitoring of employees' work, real-time reporting, rights management and projects & products based structure.
  • The eCall is a complete software solution for management of corporate telecommunications - especially for a modern call center. It enables easy organization, management and automated operation of all telecommunications. See Ujorm development Interview.
  • The system ÚZEI is used primarily for collecting information about organic agriculture in a region. The application is designed for administrators and inspectors of monitoring organizations. Inspectors enter the data through a web interface from office, but also from the field during the inspections of organics farms.
  • Do you wish to make reference to your application, built on Ujorm? Send us a link to your project to the email address .



Similar frameworks:

Here are some links to similar open-source frameworks with the type-safe queries:
  • jOOQ - light database mapping library where plain SQL can be constructed using jOOQ objects and code generated from a schema. This prevents syntax errors
  • SimpleORM - object relational mapping system that avoids exotic technologies such as byte code generation, where queries can be specified in terms of Java objects, object identity is aligned with database keys.
  • Empire-db - relational data persistence component which allows database vendor independent dynamic query definition with a special focus on compile-time safety, reduced redundancies and improved developer productivity.
  • Querydsl - a framework which enables the construction of statically typed SQL-like queries


